II. Introduction to International Collaborative Programs


ICP Overview

Supported by Chinese Ministry of Education, Shanghai Normal University Tianhua College has established several International Collaborative Programs (ICP) with many different universities all around the world.  

 With the ICP model, Shanghai Normal University Tianhua College will jointly develop the curriculum with the partner university. Students will study at Tianhua campus for the first 2 or 3 years, with some of the courses delivered by faculty members from partner university or approved by partner university. Qualified students will transfer to partner university and study for 1 or 2 years. Under the articulation agreement, students will be awarded dual degree from both institutions.


Currently we have seven ICP programs:

  • Early Childhood Education program with Western Oregon University

  • Elementary Education program with the University of Alabama

  • Rehabilitation Science program with Concordia University Wisconsin

  • Graphic Design with Illinois State University

  • Finance program with Illinois State University

  • Early Childhood Education program with Northern Arizona University

  •  English Education program with Northern Arizona University




ICP Administration

Vice President for Academic Divisions and International Programs

Vice President for Academic Divisions and International Programs is the Chief Academic Officer of the University and represents the academic interests to the President and the Board of Regents. The Vice President provides leadership to the University faculty and to the deans in advancing the quality of all undergraduates programs and university international initiatives.


Director of International Programs & Services

The Director of International Programs and Services provides a leadership role in the development of the University's international mission. The Director supervises the overall operation of international programs and services, including hiring and managing international faculty, maintaining the quality of ICP programs and providing services to international faculty.

 The office of IPS will co-design the joint curriculum, communicate with partner university in appointing international faculty, provide logistic support, facilitate orientation and maintain the quality of ICP programs.


Deans of Schools

Each school of the University has a dean,  who serves as the principal academic officer for the school and is responsible for the educational program within the school. In consultation with the Vice President and the faculty of the school, the deans lead in the planning, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of the educational programs and policies of the school and promote the quality of teaching and learning.

 The Dean’s office and program coordinator will co-design the joint curriculum,  determine the intensive teaching schedule, evaluate the syllabus before international faculty arrival, provide academic support to international faculty, including classrooms setting, teaching materials and teaching assistants in the classrooms.  


Director of Academic Affairs

Academic Office is responsible for the general policies and regulations on teaching and learning for all programs. Academic Office requires all programs, including ICP dual degree programs, affirm to the requirement of Chinese Ministry of Education Accreditation.